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Our View
There seem to be dark clouds floating over the S&P as we go onto the holidays. This is not what I want and I am sure it's not what you want either. This is the time of year that families get together and celebrate. Time and time again, the US has made big comebacks after economic setbacks and I am sure we will this time. The PitBull has long called the US the tech leader of the world and he’s right. It will help lead us out of this mess when the time is right.
I said this over 9 months ago, this is not the time to make major personal finance decisions unless you are 100% sure about what the investment is. I have a family member that put up over 50% of her retirement money in a deal that no matter what, you got your original investment back — that the money was “secure.” But like that nonsense from FDX, none of that money is coming back.
I have a group of friends I grew up with, hard-working folks, some that are still working. I think of all the generations that are still prevalent are the older baby boomers. We have seen it all: Wars, housing crisis, bank credit crisis, stock market crashes and new highs, pandemics, high inflation — you name it. Despite them all, they continue to work hard. It's like it's driven into them that they have always worked and someday want to have enough dough to retire so they just keep chugging along.
Our Lean — Danny’s Take
Despite volume dropping going into the final sessions of the year, that doesn't mean there is going to be any shortage of news. Today is the VIX expiration which should add some fuel to the fire.
We all know the markets are oversold, but the question is, can the ES “hold the rally?”
Our Lean